During a long-term grain scarcity, who was pelted with pieces of bread by a mob in the forum?
Suetonius records that an angry mob hurled fragments of bread at the emperor, but his praetorian guards made a safe passageway back to the palace. Afterwards, Claudius used every possible means to bring grain to Rome, even during the winter months.
What pet did Tiberius take with him everywhere?
Tiberius, a believer in omens, was warned of a popular revolt when he discovered ants had eaten his pet snake.
During Emperor Augustus’ 60-plus year reign, how many gladiator shows did he put on?
Unlike the Republican era, games were no longer dedicated to the memory of the deceased, rather to honor the emperor. Considered secular tools of propaganda, the games were free to the public. An edict of Augustus made the wearing of a toga obligatory. He did not produce shows during the month of December.
Which of these signs did Augustus consider a bad omen?
Augustus is recorded to have had faith in certain premonitory signs. Putting one's shoes on the wrong foot was bad luck, but beginning a trip during rainy weather was good luck.
What was the first Roman road built in Gaul (France)?
Constructed in 118 BC, the Romans improved and paved an existing ancient trace (path) said to have been travelled by Hercules and Hannibal. The Via Domitia was the first road to link Spain (Hispania) and Italy through southern France (Gallia Narbonensis).
When did the old traditional Roman year begin?
The early Roman calendar had only ten months, beginning with March. In about 700 BC, the second king of Rome added the months of January and February. The first observation of the January New Year occurred in 153 BC.
Which Herod questioned the captive Jesus?
Herod the Great killed the infants of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16), and was the father of Antipas and Phillip II. Antipas is the infamous ruler who interrogated Jesus and beheaded His cousin, John the Baptist.
The Roman cult of Mithraism did not accept what group?
The mystery religion of Mithraism probably originated in Persia. Because it emphasized order, hierarchy and duty, it was especially popular with soldiers. Initiates may have had a mark tattooed or branded on their foreheads; some may have worn lion masks. Women were excluded from most memberships, and in one text were classified as noxious hyenas.
The bright white candida toga was worn by whom?
Romans seeking political office were required to wear a candida toga for 1-year prior to the election. It was a heavy garment whitened with chalk, and symbolized the wearer's honesty. Because of its cumbersome weight and elaborate styling, slaves were specially trained in the art of toga construction. The English word, candidates, is derived from the Latin, candidati.
What was the most common source of blond hair used for ancient Roman wig making?
Blond hair was initially considered a symbol of prostitution, as ladies of the night were required to bleach their hair or wear blond wigs. The stigma diminished when German and Scandinavian slaves were acquired, as wearing hair from a conquered country was especially prized. The rich were known to sprinkle their blond locks with gold dust.
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