In Deuteronomy 14:21, which of the following could not be eaten?
Although the people were forbidden to eat anything that died a natural death, foreigners among them could; whether it be gifted or sold to them.
When was the first recorded divorce in Roman history?
According to Cato the Elder, clan custom required a husband to divorce an adulterous wife. The consequences were much worse if the infidelity was witnessed by the husband: "If you find your wife in the act of adultery, the law permits you to kill her without trial. If by chance she surprises you in the same condition, she must not touch you even with the tips of her fingers; the law forbids her." Cato quoted by Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae, 10.23.2-5. (Attic Nights).
Why did Martial accuse Munna of not returning to Rome?
Wine was mellowed by being placed in warm rooms with exposure to smoky furnaces. The ancient Gaul's carried the fermentation process to such extremes that some wine never lost its smoky flavor. Martial wrote: "You send to Rome, Munna, your poisoned Masilian wines at a price with which good Falernian or Setine wine might be bought. That is why you have not been to Rome for so long; you are afraid of drinking your own wines." Epigrams X. XXXVI.
The Roman province of Luletia was the predecessor of what present-day city?
Lutetia Parisiorum was the main settlement of the Parisii tribe in ancient Gaul. Located on the south bank of the Seine River, the name Lutetia meant "place near a swamp". It was renamed Paris in A.D. 360.
When did Romans use the words ante meridiem?
Romans divided their day into 12-hours, but did not use minutes. Anytime in the morning before midday was referred to as ante meridem, or a.m., and any time after the middle of the day was referred to as post meridiem, or p.m.
What location is suitable for a lamp of antiquity?
Ancient travelers would occasionally strap a small clay lamp to their ankle. It provided safe footing over dark uneven roadways. Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (See Puzzling Scriptures: Lamp Unto My Feet)
As a province of Rome, what was Egypt's imperial function?
After the death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C., Egypt became the property of Rome. Josephus records that Africa fed Rome for two-thirds of the year, and Egypt the remaining third. Seneca wrote that when the grain fleet finally arrived from Alexandria, crowds waiting at the Puteoli dock were delighted and relieved. The grain supply, or Cura Annonae, was the responsibility of the official aedes.
What triumphal Roman arch portrays the conquest of Jerusalem?
The arch of Titus was erected in A.D. 81. It's relief depicts the Roman army transporting plunder from the desecrated Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The booty from this military campaign was used to build the Flavian Amphitheatre (Colloseum). Livy observed that having one's achievements publicly displayed was the highest possible honor.
After the Battle of Actium, Anthony and Cleopatra's ship was captured. What were the battering rams used to decorate?
The rams decorated the speaker's podium, or rostra, in the Roman Forum. Emperor's stood upon it when addressing the crowds.
What did Roman's use to clean their clothing and whiten their teeth?
The Roman poet, Quintus (Gaius) Valerius Catullus, wrote: "Egnatius, because he has bright white teeth, always smiles...whatever each man has urinated, he uses in the morning to rub his teeth and gums until they are red, so that the more polished those teeth of yours are, the more urine they proclaim you to have drunk." Catullus 39, The Smiling Spaniard. (See First Century Life: Cosmetae)
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